Association of Independent Producers - ANP

Association of Independent Producers (Asociácia nezávislých producentov, ANP,  founded in 2010) represents 22 Slovak film production companies.
The main aim of ANP is to create a stronger position for Slovak independent producers within the audiovisual industry, be a relevant partner towards the national Slovak Audiovisual Fund, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and further related institutions and organizations, as well we to create a platform for technological, commercial and ethical standards of independent audio-visual industry and to protect its interests in cooperation with the regulation and other public institutions, assist in the legislative preparation, bring the new impulses in the local thinking about possible models. ANP is a partner of further relevant Slovak professional associations (e.g. APAF -  Slovak Association of Animated Film Producers, ASK – Association of Slovak Cinematographers, ASDF - Association of Slovak Documentary Film, UFD - Union of Film Distributors). ANP collaborates with the Czech APA - Audiovisual Producers´Association.

ANP is a member of the Creative Industry Forum.

ANP together with its partners (acting at a joint platform) have been involved in all relevant debates within the audiovisual and media sector and beyond, including public consultations of legal acts relevant to its sector and creative industry in general (e.g. previous Copyright Act amendment, Act on Audiovision, Act on the Audiovisual Fund, etc) providing professional and legal expertise and support. Currently, jouint activities have been carried out to create sustainable and effective conditions for creative (audiovisual) industry within the COVID-19 pandemic in collaboration and in negotiations with the Ministry of Culture.

In addition, ANP is the initiator and coordinator of the Platform for the transposition of Directive (of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (2019/790), towards the transposition deadline June 7, 2021.

